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Royal Russell School

Year of foundation
GCSE, A-level
11—18 years old

Royal Russell School is a British co-educational boarding school founded in 1853. The school is a 20-minute train ride from central London in the Croydon area. The school is under the patronage of the Queen of Great Britain. During holidays and celebrations, the Queen usually attends school.

Royal Russell School is accredited by the British Council. Experienced teachers skilfully combine control and encouragement of students, thereby achieving the full disclosure of the potential of each student. The school is proud of the high achievements of its students. Royal Russell School is distinguished by attentiveness teach student and care for him.

The school takes care of the comfortable stay of each student at the Royal Russell School, so the school has created a medical centre and a leisure centre for students.

About 900 students’ study at the school.

DIRECTOR (stand 2023)

Chris Hutchinson, education - Shrewsbury School (Shrewsbury School). University of Sheffield, University of Cambridge (Cambridge University)

Famous school graduates

  • Tom Wright, architect, author of the famous hotel - Burj Al Arab - in Dubai
  • Ali Ansari, professor of modern history at St. University Andrews
  • Mark Bateman, professor of geography at Sheffield University
  • Martin Klunes, actor (film "Shakespeare in Love", the series "Dr. Martin")
  • Ellie Jackson, singer and songwriter, La Roux duet
  • NaokMori, actress (TV series "Doctor Who," "On the Edge of Doubt")
  • Margaret Bell, singer


  • Located in London.
  • The strongest subject is mathematics. Computer science, the natural sciences program, and robot programming are also strong.
  • The school has a professional football academy.
  • It has a huge green area with many magnificent sports fields.
  • The United Nations Model operates at the school and many conferences are held. This is a good way to gain experience and prepare for admission to the faculties of journalism and jurisprudence.
  • Media department: film training professional
  • A fairly rigorous but fair school.
  • The school participates in the United Nations Model program. Many students participate in this program, organize conferences on campus, and travel to international events.
  • The ISI Commission noted that Royal Russell students are superbly educated.
  • High school students qualify for the RLSS (Royal Society for the Saving of Life).


Royal Russell covers an area of ​​100 acres in a beautiful park. The school has excellent equipment, which not every university can boast of: a sports complex where students can choose classes "to their liking" from more than 20 sports, playing fields, an indoor pool (on Sunday, the pool is open at certain hours), an excellent library, and a training centre, computer lab. There is a private recording studio.

The school made a very good repair, everything is very neat and modern. It resembles a Swiss school.


Senior School (11-16 years old)

Secondary school, after graduation, students pass the state exam GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education), which confirms the receipt of British secondary education. The program includes 7 required subjects and 3 optional subjects.

Sixth form (16-18 years old)

Preparation for admission to universities, which is designed for 2 years of study and ends with an A-level exam. Pupils choose subjects for future specialization at the university.

4 subjects are studied in depth in the first year of the program (AS) and 3 subjects in the second year (A2).


Accommodation in a cosy school residence, in rooms for 1-2 people (for students 11-19 years old). Junior students live in boarding houses (Boarding Houses) in fully equipped rooms for four people. Each residence has a buffet, a kitchen with toasters, kettles and refrigerators. Students can use the laundry facilities. The students are closely monitored, high school students are only allowed to travel to central London together and only with parental permission.

Meals in the school cafeteria, every day the guys are waiting for a hot breakfast. A salad bar, fresh fruit and homemade bread are served daily. Vegetarian, vegan, hypoallergenic and other diets are provided. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, students are offered traditional five-hour tea.


In addition to studying, students can engage in various sports. The school has special sports fields. The most popular sports are football, hockey, and basketball. Other sports: netball, badminton, cricket, tennis, lacrosse, handball, rugby, gymnastics, trampolining, athletics, aerobics, swimming. School sports teams regularly take part in interscholastic, district and national competitions.


There are no lessons at school on Saturday and Sunday, so you can devote your days off to activities that you love and hobbies. Students can attend cooking classes on weekends. The school has a large selection of music classes, you can participate in orchestras, and drum lessons are held. The school is very strong in singing and playing the piano. The guys take an active part in staging theatrical performances.

COST, 2023-2024

£14,864 per semester.
There are 3 semesters in the school year.

Included in cost

  • Teaching
  • Textbooks and training materials
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Socio-cultural and sports programs
  • English classes

Extra paid

  • Flights
  • Transfers t/ from the airport
  • Visa
  • Services of the company "Paradise"
  • Guardianship (as required by British law)


  • Selection of 5-6 schools that best meet the individual characteristics of the child, further goals, talents, with the desired environment. Help in the correct interpretation of school ratings, an explanation of why the school occupies one place or another. Help in obtaining reliable information about schools that are not included in the ratings, with an explanation of the reasons for non-participation in it.
  • Admission t1-3 schools, selected from the proposed. Which includes the preparation of the necessary documents, school reports, characteristics, recommendations. Selection and submission of tests to prepare the student for exam testing, assistance in preparing essays. Preparation for an interview with the teacher / principal, registration for the exam. The necessary list of recommendations when attending school for passing entrance examinations. Correspondence with the school (far from all schools enter into correspondence with foreign parents, they are cautious about them, trust only ta trusted agent).
  • Assistance in paying registration fees, deposits, bills. Clarification of school rules, including disciplinary and legal aspects.
  • Filling out the required medical forms.
  • Selection of guardians required by UK law.

Student supervision during the first month of training is provided as a gift: assistance in resolving issues related to resettlement, billing, informing parents about the child’s health status, assistance with understanding of academic programs, organization of ext. classes for the child in a particular subject, help in choosing the program most suitable for the child, transfer to another class, etc.

Impressions from a school visit

Natasha StreinNatasha Strein
Founder of ‘’Paradise’’

Royal Russell has always been patronized by someone from the royal family. Relations with the royal family surrounds the school with a half of selectness, it is not surprising that there are no problems with those who want to get here. The director of the admissions committee - Mr. Mosley - has been working here for 39 years!

An investment of £ 8 million in the construction of new residences for boys added extra points to the school. A London school with beautiful spacious rooms. Residences are ambitiously called Oxford and Cambridge. The girl’s rooms are old and dull. They are in no hurry with their renovation: there are fewer girls, and they themselves fought for gender equality!

We are invited to the tables: a solemn lunch. The deputy director at my table, a Frenchwoman, suggests “let’s be French”! It turns out that it means "let's roll." A new expression in our vocabulary. We didn’t have time to enter the school, as we had already learned something!

Olga Karpova
Olga Karpova
Paradise Boarding School Expert

That would be all school inspections were held at such a pace! You walk slowly along the rustling leaves, birds are singing around, a blushing tree looks at you from the very middle of the courtyard, the church bell counts the clock. And next to him there is an English gentleman who shows, tells, jokes, opens doors, gives numerous examples from the life of his students.

It seems to me that Graham Mosely knows absolutely everything about his Royal Russell School. And no wonder. This is his fortieth year as director of the admissions committee. He saw everything and knows everything. Most importantly, he knows who is called a true student of the school. After several years, everyone turns into them. This is a certain community, friendship for life.

The school was built in the 19th century with funds from a charitable foundation, and Charles Dickens also contributed. But it was named after John Russell. By the way, the school under the patronage of Elizabeth II, she was here four times. “More than all other schools!” - remarks my guide.

Mr. Mosely calls media science a particular pride of the school. There is almost a full-fledged television studio, a recording studio, a studio for photography. Art and technological design at the highest level.

For the first time this year, the television studio will broadcast from meetings of the UN model. And every year they have a festive ceremony ending the year. Awarding for sporting achievements, educational achievements are shot by three different cameras, everything is connected all into a single broadcast. A very professional level of training for those who in the future plans to connect their live with television, production, etc. So, one Russian school graduate is an employee of a well-known Russian television company.

Royal Russel School is a large school (about 900 people study here), while the processes inside are so logically organized that everyone has enough time for everything. And enough support: educational and non-academic.

The surrounding reality is beautiful: a huge green area with many magnificent sports fields. And London - here it is! Just 20 minutes by train.

The school day comes tan end and the students stomp along the paths of the school - ordinary boys and girls, easily greet us, some are joking with adults.

The success of the students is impressive: the project on photography (A-Level exam) draws on a full-fledged exhibition of the photographer.

Special attention deserves technical equipment. Mac computers, because it is the technology of the future, the strongest branch of computer science. One of the students even received a scholarship of 10,000 pounds for admission to the university. By the way, she is Russian. Ours are very strong in this area.

Review of working with the Paradise company, Elena Pinchuk
Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Dear Paradise Education company, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation! For parents who want to lead their child to success along the shortest path - this is the place for you!
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Review of studying at King William's college, Ekaterina Rabinovich
Client of Paradise Education company, Barnaul, Russia,
Well, 3 years at King William’s college are over! A huge parental thank you to all of you for your invaluable support and daily confidence that our family is on the right path and the child is in good hands.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Kharitonova
Malvern college
Regular client of Paradise, Marbella, Spain
We have known the Paradise company since 2006. We had no doubts about the professionalism and individual approach of the company to each client. When the time came to choose a school for our youngest daughter, without hesitation, we turned to them.
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Review of the company Paradise, Anna Shchilova
Co-owner of the Shtager&shch gallery, London,
My main school wizards are Natalia Shtrein and her company Paradise and Olena Piven - the coolest specialist in day schools. Thanks to these wonderful girls, my children are studying in the most suitable school for them.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Menski
Repton school
Paradise Client, San Francisco, USA
A big advantage of the Paradise company is not only a careful approach to choosing a school, but also working with parents who also need preparation for such a serious step not only in the child’s life.
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Review of studying at New Hall School, Asel Nurapina
New Hall School
Paradise client, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
We contacted Paradise based on a recommendation, and we were not disappointed. We knew nothing about UK schools, and we couldn’t do without their help. Paradise's support at all stages is priceless!
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About "Paradise"

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Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

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