Study abroad.
We create a success story for your children and grandchildren



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Why are we better?

Our company Paradise London is located in London and was founded in 1996, that is, it is one of the most experienced consultants, working for more than a quarter of a century. And experience is EVERYTHING in our business. Just like in medicine.

Our main advantage is an INDIVIDUAL approach.
The main criterion: the child must be happy at school and learn at a comfortable pace: it should not be too easy or too difficult for him. Otherwise, motivation will suffer. The atmosphere of an educational institution must correspond to its nature.

We offer schools to all our children exclusively individually, and not just based on big names (as many well-known companies do).

Some less experienced, or free companies, only suggest schools they know well and/or that pay them well. This approach, of course, is unacceptable for us.

Unlike many companies that focus on receiving commissions from certain schools, we are independent and WORK WITH ALL SCHOOLS in the UK and Switzerland.

We offer exclusively those options that match the child’s characteristics and strengths, as well as the family’s ambitions and plans.

There are more than 500 boarding schools in the UK, and more than 130 private day schools in London.
All of them differ in their pace of learning, strong areas, level of discipline, number of people, complexity of entrance tests, atmosphere, location, parental audience, attention to special educational needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and or autism spectrum, degree of language assistance to foreigners, etc. d.

There are about 40 international schools in Switzerland, where mostly foreigners study. And they are all very different too.

To understand this variety of educational institutions, it is necessary not only to personally inspect the schools, even to live in them (as we do) in order to get to know the school from the inside. Attend conferences and listen to behind-the-scenes conversations, and most importantly, have real-life experience teaching children in these schools. That is, to have many clients over many years.

What we do for you:

  • We diagnose correctly. It is the understanding of WHICH school to offer to a specific client that is considered an indicator of the consultant’s professionalism. Choosing the right school is the main value for which the client pays us.

  • When offering schools to a client, we clearly explain why we offer them and how they differ from each other. Information is compiled for each individual exclusively. No one else does a presentation of schools like ours.

  • We work according to a well-established algorithm, all processes are perfectly set up and work like clockwork.
    The client always understands the action plan, he never experiences agonizing waiting. We anticipate his expectations.

  • We are always punctual, minute by minute.

  • We are never at a loss, we respond quickly, even in the evening and after hours. Each client has a team of employees who are interchangeable and absolutely identical in their high level of service. Due to which the client does not notice our internal difficulties such as illnesses, business trips, vacations and household worries - none of this should worry our client.

  • We work very quickly. As quickly as possible in our field of activity. We are able to get answers from schools faster than others because we: 1) are very effective 2) have built relationships of trust with schools, so they respond to us first.

  • Selecting schools is about creating a child’s success story. A creative process that requires dedication, empathy and love for people. Our entire team has the most important quality, in addition to skill: the desire to ensure that the child ends up in the best school for him. This process often involves a number of obstacles, and we make every possible effort to overcome them. We give 105%.

  • It is extremely difficult to find a combination of all of the above. There are very few true experts in our industry. Companies founded by native British people many years ago are experienced, but do not understand the mentality of our countries, which complicates the process of working with them.
    They won't respond after 5 pm or on weekends, they won't rush (which is important so you don't miss out on a spot!) and they'll never fully understand your request. Their staff is often unqualified.

    Free and cheap companies are either susceptible to school commissions, and therefore do not always act in the interests of the child; either their clarity and punctuality suffers, or their very understanding of the essence of schools: most of these companies simply send the client links to the websites of unrelated educational institutions, unable to clearly explain their differences, pros and cons for your particular child.

  • Without false modesty: our level of expertise and service is the highest. Until we met those who could compete with us. You will be convinced of our professionalism from the very first minutes of working with us. And you will feel in good hands.

Numerous reviews on our website speak for themselves.
You’ve hardly seen anything like this: people leave photos, names, positions, even email addresses or their Instagram accounts in public space. They are not afraid to tell the world about their choice!
In addition to clients living overseas, we successfully serve numerous UK residents.
Read reviews

Unlike other British companies, we help with visas for our clients, wherever they are: we have an excellent visa department.

We create success stories for your children and grandchildren. Since 1996.

See you soon!

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School catalogue

Reviews of Paradise

Asel Mirgalieva
Client of the Paradise company , Ascot, UK

I am grateful to the Paradise company for their advice in choosing a school for my eldest son! Although I myself have lived in England for 20 years, I am at a loss in choosing. We paid a deposit to several schools at once: CharterhouseWellingtonStowe, Bradfield. And we passed everywhere based on scores; we had to decide which school we would definitely choose. And your advice – Charterhouse School – was the most faithful! My son is very happy at this school!!! Thank you!

Olga and Andrei Movchan
Olga – Gestalt therapist, Andrey – financier, investment consultant
London, UK

Son Leo and we still like the school you chose for us in London! We are glad. Once again I want to thank you. It seems we got what we wanted again! Both of our girls received postgraduate offers at UCL (University College London). The eldest starts on Monday next week, the youngest in the fall. So thank you very much again! We have again seen how effectively your company operates.

(Lev, the youngest son of the Movchan family, studies at Southbank School in London, we helped in selecting a school. And the two eldest daughters, in addition to the offer at UCL, also received offers of a place at Oxford University).

Larissa Moore

Client Paradise Company, Los Angeles, USA

I am British and lived in the UK for over 15 years and in the becoming thought I could do it myself as I know England... But after working with you and hearing your advice and rundown on schools I realized how wrong I was and how invaluable your expertise was, with choice, and even more valuable with arranging interviews, advice, tutoring etc. Help every step of the way, attentive and professional and courteous.

Review of working with the Paradise company, Elena Pinchuk
Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Dear Paradise Education company, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation! For parents who want to lead their child to success along the shortest path - this is the place for you!
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Review of studying at King William's college, Ekaterina Rabinovich
Client of Paradise Education company, Barnaul, Russia,
Well, 3 years at King William’s college are over! A huge parental thank you to all of you for your invaluable support and daily confidence that our family is on the right path and the child is in good hands.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Kharitonova
Malvern college
Regular client of Paradise, Marbella, Spain
We have known the Paradise company since 2006. We had no doubts about the professionalism and individual approach of the company to each client. When the time came to choose a school for our youngest daughter, without hesitation, we turned to them.
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Review of the company Paradise, Anna Shchilova
Co-owner of the Shtager&shch gallery, London,
My main school wizards are Natalia Shtrein and her company Paradise and Olena Piven - the coolest specialist in day schools. Thanks to these wonderful girls, my children are studying in the most suitable school for them.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Menski
Repton school
Paradise Client, San Francisco, USA
A big advantage of the Paradise company is not only a careful approach to choosing a school, but also working with parents who also need preparation for such a serious step not only in the child’s life.
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Review of studying at New Hall School, Asel Nurapina
New Hall School
Paradise client, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
We contacted Paradise based on a recommendation, and we were not disappointed. We knew nothing about UK schools, and we couldn’t do without their help. Paradise's support at all stages is priceless!
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About "Paradise"

Наш коллектив

Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

Professional assistance in selecting a program

Leave your phone number, we will call you back soon, answer all your questions and offer an individual program that is suitable for you and your child.