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LITE Regal (themed courses)

London and Cambridge
13—18 years old

Age: 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old.

Dates, 2024:
June 30–July 13, July 14–27, July 28–August 10, August 11–24 (for 2 weeks)
June 30–July 27, July 14–August 10, July 28–August 24 (for 4 weeks)
June 30–August 10, July 14–August 24 (for 6 weeks)

The prestigious summer school LITE Regal is an ideal place for young people who want to improve their academic knowledge in academic subjects and plan to study at prestigious universities in the UK and other countries in the future.

Children will be trained under the guidance of true professionals. Representatives of different nationalities study at the courses, here you can meet friends and like-minded people. The entertainment and sightseeing program of the summer courses at LITE Regal will make the summer unforgettable.

The uniqueness of summer courses lies in the fact that training takes place in close connection with practice. Students will be able to see their future profession in the real world by visiting well-known companies and organizations.

Courses are held in London and Cambridge.

One of the campuses is located in London, famous for its rich history. The campus is next to the river surrounded by famous attractions: Westminster Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral, Somerset House and the Curto Institute of Art, Royal Court, West End theatres, Covent Garden, where shops, markets and theatres are located, Trafalgar Square, where National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. Restaurants, cafes and shops are within walking distance.

Another campus is located in the traditional, but trendy, university city of Cambridge, just 100 km from London. Shops, restaurants and cafes are nearby. Cambridge is an ideal place for study and sightseeing tours. Here are the famous castles, gardens, palaces and two of the most famous universities in the world.


  • Summer courses provide fundamental knowledge in the selected subject, and an intensive program with a large number of practical classes will allow you to make significant progress in the selected field for a short period of study.
  • Training takes place in small groups under the guidance of professional and passionate teachers.
  • For inspiration and motivation for further studies, the program includes visits to top universities and colleges: London School of Economics, University College London, Imperial College London, King's College London, Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
  • Children are supervised by experienced and caring tutors around the clock to help solve all arising issues. Each student has contacts in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Great location in the busiest cities, in the very centre of cultural life - London and Cambridge.
  • A huge number of recreational activities and excursions will make the summer truly interesting and will allow you to better know the history and culture of Great Britain.


Business and entrepreneurship (15-18 years)

The course program is aimed at acquiring and developing knowledge of business processes, entrepreneurial skills and business management. The course is suitable for young people planning to study business specialties or economics at the university.

The following topics are studied: the basics of business and the development of concepts, marketing, accounting, innovation in entrepreneurship, team and individual work, development of leadership skills. The course combines theory and practice, and also includes communication with people from the business sector.

As part of the course, students will be able to see a real working company and get acquainted with its business processes. Students will visit Google’s London campus, Tech Boom, or City of London, where they will attend a seminar and chat with company representatives.

Law (15-18 years)

The program is aimed at students planning to study law at the university. The following subjects are studied: civil justice system, criminal law, international law. Training takes place under the guidance of teachers, in groups and at seminars. Pupils have a strong knowledge of subjects and the ability to build a logical consistent argument - a necessary skill in this area. Much attention is paid to the practice of speaking to the audience, critical reading and writing.

As part of the course, students will visit the Central Criminal Court and the Royal Court, where they can see the process in practice.

Film Academy (13-15 years old, 15-18 years old)

A course for those wishing to learn how to make films and write scripts. We study all the stages of creating a film: working on a script, working with a camera, editing using special software, lighting, and producing. Pupils will work in a team, since the creation of a film is always the result of a large creative group. At the end of the training, the group will present their own film, and each student will create his own short film.

As part of the practical classes, students will visit the Oscar-winning film companies Prime Focus Group and Double Negative.

Creative writing (15-18 years old)

The course was created for young people interested in the craft of writing. Pupils will learn various writing techniques, training takes place in the format of seminars and in small groups. Pupils will be surrounded by people with similar interests, such communication facilitates the exchange of experience and even greater disclosure of creative abilities by creating a creative atmosphere in the group.

The following topics are studied: strategies for creating ideas for text, writing techniques, using different styles, critical reading of texts, development of one's own style, reading and discussion of writers' works. At the end of the course, students will have a portfolio with 1600-word text.

Training on the course is a great start on the road to professional writing. In the framework of the program guest speakers perform. The obligatory part of the program is trips to the Poetic Cafe in Covent Garden, a visit to the Royal Literary Society or the Poetry Library, where students can participate in discussions and listen to public readings. All this is designed to inspire young people to improve their skills.

Training of engineers (15-18 years)

The course is aimed at young people who plan to study engineering at the university in the future. The program consists of lectures on the academic disciplines required for admission - mathematics, biology, chemistry, electronic engineering, aeronautical engineering, civil engineering. All subjects are taught at the university level. Classes are taught by graduates of Cambridge and Oxford universities. The program includes practical laboratory classes, as well as seminars on successful admission to the university, training in interviewing techniques and resume writing.

As part of the practical exercises, students will visit a real engineering company - Hyder Consulting, responsible for the new London Bridge stations and many other projects. Students learn how scientists and engineers overcome and solve problems in real life.

Preparation for medical schools (15-18 years)

A course for young people planning to study in the medical specialties at the university. Most of the course is aimed at preparing for admission: passing an interview, preparing for exams, student assessment criteria. The course program offers a complete immersion in the profession. The topics that students usually study in pre-practical classes in medical schools are studied: anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry and medical genetics, medical sociology, the “Patient and Doctor” course, and practical seminars on medical techniques such as suturing.

As part of the practical classes, students will work in a medical laboratory, where they will learn how to use medical equipment and conduct procedures. The course will significantly improve knowledge and develop the student’s skills, and perfectly prepare for admission to medical specialties.

Psychology (15-18 years old)

A course for young people interested in psychology and planning further studies in this subject at the university. The program of the course includes many practical seminars and experiments. Pupils will do their own research project in the chosen direction of psychology, begin to interpret the data and create presentations of the results of their research in front of other students and teachers.

The program includes lectures on various psychological areas: the history and development of psychology, Freud and psychoanalysis: the study of the unconscious in connection with childhood experiences; personality and sexuality; Wilhelm Wundt and Structuralism: the practice of recording thoughts and behaviour; William James and functionalism: why we think, feel, act; Pavlov and behaviourism: how we adapt to the environment.

In the framework of practical exercises, students, under the guidance of teachers in groups, will recreate various psychological experiments. Students will also visit the British Psychological Society, the Museum of Science and the Freud Museum in London.

Chemistry (13-15 years old, 15-18 years old)

For students keen on chemistry. Classes include laboratory work, tasks, debates, and even solving real practical problems. The program is built on a traditional school curriculum with a large number of additional materials.

Mathematics (13-15 years)

On the course, students are waiting for fascinating lectures on mathematics. The focus is on algebra and statistics, as well as an introduction to geometry. After lunch, students are waiting for practical classes. Critical thinking develops through debate, presentations, and group work.

Medical biology (13-15 years old, 15-18 years old)

The course includes lectures and laboratory work, studying human health, the development and treatment of diseases.

The art of public speaking and debate (13-15 years old, 15-18 years old)

Communication is the main tool of man in the 21st century. In the course, students will learn to overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience, effectively speak in public and defend their opinions in debates and other situations. We study the poses, body language, voice, necessary for performances. The course is useful for students planning a career in law, journalism, politics, economics, and science.

Computer Science (15-18 years)

A course for students interested in programming and planning to enrol in the relevant specialty at the university. Topics covered include networking and programming, software, hardware, Nano-technologies, microchip architecture, operating systems.

Intensive English (15-18 years old)

A course for students who want to improve their English skills to the level required for university admission. Classes are held in small groups by native teachers who have extensive experience in teaching English as a foreign language. We study written and spoken English, pronunciation, reading, listening. Much attention is paid to grammar and vocabulary expansion. A lot of afternoon and evening activities, and excursions will make it possible to put the acquired knowledge into practice and even faster to begin to speak and understand the language well.

Modern Architecture (15-18 years old)

This summer course is aimed at UK and International Students aged 15-18 who want to learn about modern architecture not through boring lessons but practical hands-on workshops with leading tutors. The course and is taught through hands on lessons and project-based lessons which is the basis of architectural education . From the start students will be involved in a variety of projects and learn visual studies and computing and studio projects to increase their creativity in architecture. Students at the end of the course will have to create and submit a portfolio of their creative works which is essential in any future application to Architecture School / University. They also will work individually or in pairs to produce designs, drawing and models of their own modern architectural building.

The Global Leadership (15-18 years old)

This summer course is about harnessing your leadership skills and transforming this leadership to become the type of leader you want to be in the future. Through powerful "workshops" in small groups, exciting lessons, lively debates, and tutorials students will acquire the skills necessary and confidence to become Global Leaders in the 21st Century.

By studying Politics, Economics, Philosophy, and Current Affairs your leadership skills will be developed and transformed into a "free thinker" respected by your peers. You will be taught how to analyze information and offer critical and thoughtful solutions to Current Global Topics such as:

  • Global Pollution is 2021- China, the USA, and Inda are the top 3 countries that emit the most CO2
  • Migration Problems in Europe – Causes and the Solution
  • COVID - 19 Pandemic - Was this a Lab-created virus and How to contain the virus and what will this mean for the population post-2021
  • USA and Europea and Asia Economic Policies for the next 10 years
  • Environmental Problems
  • Over Population

This course is for students who interested in Politics, Economics, Philosophy, and Current Affairs. It would suit students that see themselves as tomorrow’s potential leaders and would like to gain leadership skills and perhaps enter a Political, Diplomatic, or United Nations career.

International Politics and International Relations (15-18 years old)

This course is aimed at 15-18 year olds who are interested in making a change to world and to the country they live in. They should be interested politics, economics. Students will learn how to be global Leader and ambassadors and how to debate and become confident about talking about foreign and domestic policies and how to improve the world we live in for the better of all citizens. Students will discuss foreign and domestic affairs, law and how students can achieve the desired goal for the benefit of their countries citizens and government. The course will concentrate on International Politics and International Relations. It is ideally suited to those students from UK and abroad who would like to learn about World Politics - Politics and Foreign affairs of the Middle East, USA, China, Russia will be covered.

Student will be taught International Politics and International Relations though exciting and innovative Workshops, Engaging lessons and tutorials. They will mix with students from all over 80+ Nationalities. At the end of the course each student will need to present a graduation project and this will be a case study of a particular political or international relations topic close to their heart. (For example Migration, Human right Issues, Climate Change).


In Cambridge, students live in one of three residences: Jesus College, Murray Edwards College and Corpus Christi College. In London, students are located in the residence of the Institute of Education from University College London.

Residence at the college campus. Pupils live in double rooms. Boys and girls live on different floors. There is WI-FI on campus. Living in a residence is a great opportunity to make friends and gain experience in the university lifestyle. The friendly atmosphere in the residence develops a sense of community and team spirit among students.

Tomorrow, lunch and dinner are held in the large bright dining room of the college. This is a very comfortable place to eat. Healthy and freshly prepared food is offered, wishes for different types of diets are considered. During excursions and activities outside the college, students dine in restaurants.


Studying is only part of the educational process! A special team prepared an interesting program of activities so that students could have a good time, make new friends and get the most out of summer courses.

Things to do in Cambridge:

In its free time, the college offers the following attractions:

  • Afternoon tea in the famous ‘’The Orchard Tea Gardens’’.
  • Visit to an architectural masterpiece, a symbol of Cambridge - Chapel of the Royal College.
  • Visit to historical estates, where the atmosphere of the old times is perfectly preserved - Anglesey Abbey and Audley End.
  • Visit to the Museum of Arts and History of Fitzwilliam, where you can see paintings by Monet, Rembrandt and Michelangelo.
  • Shakespeare Festival - magnificent theatrical performances in the open air.
  • Going to the cinema to watch the best summer films.
  • Bowling.
  • Discos in a nightclub.
  • Tennis. Students can play tennis with friends or take part in tournaments. A team of professional instructors will help improve your game skills. Individual lessons are possible.
  • Rafting on the river in a boat. This is an ideal immersion in the atmosphere of Cambridge and an important part of the compulsory program for exploring this city.

Entertainment in London:

  • Tower of London. Located in the historical centre of London, it is one of the oldest buildings and one of the main symbols of Great Britain.
  • Covent Garden Market. One of the most famous markets in London. Here you can buy souvenirs, eat cookies at the famous Ben's Cookie store and be impressed by the performance of street performers.
  • Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster. An obligatory part of visiting London is a photo against the backdrop of the most famous sights where the meetings of the British Parliament take place.
  • Shopping at Harrods. Visit to the famous department store with pleasant 70% summer discounts!
  • Volleyball in the park. It’s not necessary to play well to join a team. The main thing is desire and enthusiasm.
  • Bowling.
  • Boating in Hyde Park. Pleasant afternoon entertainment.
  • Ferris Wheel London Eye. A ride on one of the largest Ferris wheels in Europe, from which you can see all of London at a glance.
  • Visit to the musical "Matilda" at the West End Theatre.
  • Movie premiere. A visit to the Odeon cinema on Leicester Square, the largest cinema in Europe, where the premieres of the best films are held.
  • River cruise. Boat trip on the Thames with dancing and live music. This is an opportunity to see the sights of London, sparkling with lights in the night.


Oxford. A study of the famous Oxford University and a study of the history of the founding of the city. The tour program includes visits to museums in the city, the study of natural history, science, books, world history and much more.

Stonehenge and Bath. A visit to the delightful Stonehenge, an ancient and mystical structure. After that, students will visit the historic spa town of Bath, which preserved the rich history of the Roman Empire.

Brighton a bright, colourful, fun and free city with great tourist attractions. There is always something to see and where to go.

Amusement Park and Chessington Zoo. A great way to relax and have fun. The park includes 10 thematic areas and over 40 attractions. There is a huge zoo with more than 1000 animals, where you can see the most exotic animals.

Stratford-upon-Avon. A visit to the very beautiful historic town where William Shakespeare was born. This is a unique opportunity to find out what life was like in England during the life of Shakespeare.

COST, 2024

2 weeks - £5,495
4 weeks (combination of 2 courses) - £10,350
6 weeks (combination of 2-3 courses) - £14,450

Included in cost

  • Teaching
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Educational materials
  • Excursions
  • Entertainment evening activities

Extra paid

  • Flight
  • Visa
  • Insurance
  • Transfers from and to the airport
  • Services of our company


  • We operate since 1996
  • Choose camps with a minimum number of Russian speakers
  • We place children only in camps which provides good accommodation
  • Conducted a personal inspection of almost all the schools that we offer
  • We do not work with the mass segment, only camps for discerning customers
  • You can call us 24/7
  • We inform you about the particularities of each course
  • What customers appreciate us for
Review of working with the Paradise company, Elena Pinchuk
Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Dear Paradise Education company, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation! For parents who want to lead their child to success along the shortest path - this is the place for you!
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Review of studying at King William's college, Ekaterina Rabinovich
Client of Paradise Education company, Barnaul, Russia,
Well, 3 years at King William’s college are over! A huge parental thank you to all of you for your invaluable support and daily confidence that our family is on the right path and the child is in good hands.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Kharitonova
Malvern college
Regular client of Paradise, Marbella, Spain
We have known the Paradise company since 2006. We had no doubts about the professionalism and individual approach of the company to each client. When the time came to choose a school for our youngest daughter, without hesitation, we turned to them.
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Review of the company Paradise, Anna Shchilova
Co-owner of the Shtager&shch gallery, London,
My main school wizards are Natalia Shtrein and her company Paradise and Olena Piven - the coolest specialist in day schools. Thanks to these wonderful girls, my children are studying in the most suitable school for them.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Menski
Repton school
Paradise Client, San Francisco, USA
A big advantage of the Paradise company is not only a careful approach to choosing a school, but also working with parents who also need preparation for such a serious step not only in the child’s life.
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Review of studying at New Hall School, Asel Nurapina
New Hall School
Paradise client, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
We contacted Paradise based on a recommendation, and we were not disappointed. We knew nothing about UK schools, and we couldn’t do without their help. Paradise's support at all stages is priceless!
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About "Paradise"

Наш коллектив

Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

Professional assistance in selecting a program

Leave your phone number, we will call you back soon, answer all your questions and offer an individual program that is suitable for you and your child.