Study abroad.
We create a success story for your children and grandchildren



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Review of College du Leman, Mikhail Kharitonov
College du Leman
General Director of TD "Krasmetall" LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
I decided that my son should study abroad, get an excellent education and prepare for management, because he is my successor.
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Review of Queen Ethelburga’s College, Natalia Lukyanova
Student at Queen Ethelburga’s College, Achinsk, Russia
I liked the school at first glance: it’s a huge area, you can immediately see that there are many opportunities to do something, a huge number of clubs. The level of teaching is very high and the living conditions are very good.
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Review of National Mathematics and Science College (NMSC), Jose and Zlata
Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Over the course of several months at school, we felt our son loosen up in terms of communication. He began to tell us more actively about everything that was happening. Previously, he was a taciturn, silent and shy young man.
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Impressions of King William's college, Natalia Shtrain
Paradise Owner,
New Year's Eve 2016. My rugby son started playing Beethoven on the piano. He just made a written presentation of my company's activities during the crisis, with a SWOT analysis and his own vision of its further development (In English, of course!)
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Impressions of British International school, Phuket, Natalia Barbashova
Individual entrepreneur, Irkutsk, Russia,
Мы решили, что наши дети - Арсений, 11 лет и Эвелина, 13 лет, начнут обучение в Британской Международной школе, чтобы лучше выучить английский язык и поступить в Англии в школу с более высоким рейтингом.
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Impressions of Heathfield School, Nina Zapryagaeva
First Deputy of the General Director of RAO Energy System of the East OJSC., Moscow, , Russia,
I really liked that all staff of Heathfield School was very considerate, caring, encouraging personal development of every child. I really like that studies abroad made my daughter more responsible; for the first time, I heard her being worried about her score! She has never worried of it before!
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Review of Institut auf dem Rosenberg, Anna Mkrtchyan
Director of the Metelitsa hotel complex, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Our daughter Katrin has been studying at one of the most famous and prestigious schools in Switzerland for several years - Institut auf dem Rosenberg. It was not by chance that we chose this school.
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Review of education in England, Pavel Damov
General Director of Jidoshia Motors, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
It's interesting to look at the world map. Since childhood, we are accustomed to seeing in front of us a map of the Soviet Union, with all the Soviet republics - now you won’t see such a thing.
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Review of the school Institut Montana Zugerberg, Natalia Veres
Founder, General Director, tour operator "VeresK", Moscow, Russia
With the support of company specialists, we successfully sent students to study at the Institut Montana Zugerberg school.
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Review of College du Leman, Elena Gruzinenko
College du Leman
Commercial Director of Le Roy Region LLC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
On the advice of the Paradise company, we enrolled our son Nikita in the famous Swiss school College du Leman, from which he graduated in the summer of 2010.
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Review of College du Leman, Nadezhda Nuss
College du Leman
Individual entrepreneur, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Investing in your children's education is the best investment. Children is our future. We want to give our children the best education.
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Impressions of sons’ tuition in Switzerland, Irina Shilo
Chief Accountant of ANTEX, regular client of Paradise company, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
In 2009 two of my sons began their studies at Pre Fleuri school in Switzerland; it is a small family school for younger children. After one year of studies we transferred our elder son Vladimir to Leysin American School, and one more year after Egor, the younger, went to Champittet.
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About "Paradise"

Наш коллектив

Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

Professional assistance in selecting a program

Leave your phone number, we will call you back soon, answer all your questions and offer an individual program that is suitable for you and your child.