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Monmouth School (for boys)

г. Монмут
Year of foundation
GCSE, A-level, Foundation year
11—18 years old

Monmouth School is a private boarding school for boys. Located in the centre of the small old town of Monmouth in the county of Monmouthshire. The picturesque area where the school is located, was awarded the status of "Area of ​​magnificent natural beauty." Monmouth is a safe town with a population of 10 thousand people. Recognized as the third UK city in terms of living.

The school is part of a family of schools known as the Haberdashers` Monmouth Schools. This also includes the Monmouth School for girls. Many events are held with girls, and in high school, many lessons are held together. A school for boys and a school for girls are located opposite each other.

Monmouth School was founded in 1614 with charitable funds from William Jones, a member of the London Business Guild. The school is rightfully proud of its rich four-hundred-year history and preserves the best traditions, while improving academic and sports opportunities in accordance with the requirements of the 21st century. The school has a unique atmosphere for the education and development of students.

The school prepares students to take a place among the national elite, without positioning themselves at the same time as an elite school, and welcomes friendliness and respect beyond social and cultural boundaries. Strength of character is encouraged and considered a fundamental trait for boys to achieve success and build a career after graduation.

The school has about 600 students.

There are many arguments in favour of a separate training for boys:

  • Boys by nature are more mobile and active, and for normal development they need a lot of movement, sports and outdoor games.
  • Boys have slightly different criteria for success than girls (not obedience, but leadership, not “smoothing sharp edges,” but impudence, etc.).
  • Boys need a competitive environment for self-expression and active development.
  • Boys from childhood learn to easily cope with “non-male work” and become self-sufficient and independent.


Simon Dorman, Education - Methodist College Belfast; Jesus College, Oxford University; PGCE at Queen’s University,


  • Angus Buchanan, military, Victoria Cross award winner (highest military order in the UK)
  • John Vassal, Scout
  • Eddie Butler, rugby player, television broadcaster
  • John Guilliam, rugby player
  • Steve James, athlete (cricket)
  • Keith Jarrett, rugby player
  • Charles Wigin, athlete (rowing), Olympic Games winner
  • Tom Lucy, athlete (rowing), Olympic Games winner
  • Richard Parks, rugby player
  • William Marsh, athlete (cricket)
  • Derek Ezra, politician
  • Christopher Herbert, Priest
  • Mark Porter, doctor and medical correspondent for The Times
  • Colin Moynihan, athlete and politician
  • Cliff Tucker, politician
  • Paul Langford, historian
  • Grant Nicholson, guitarist and singer
  • Richard Marner, actor (film "The African Queen")
  • Richard Pearson, actor (films "The Bourne Supremacy", "Men in Black 2")
  • Paul Groves, poet
  • Tom Price, comedian


  • The school is on the Tattler list, which includes the UK's most prestigious and traditional schools, recommended by respected British families.
  • Ranked among the top ten boys' schools in the UK based on A-level exam results.
  • Graduates enter the most prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.
  • The small size of the school allows for an individual approach when each child develops in accordance with his needs and abilities.
  • In training, emphasis is placed on the development of such qualities as self-confidence and independence.
  • Very strong musical education. Pupils of the school successfully enter the music departments of prestigious universities.
  • One of the strongest rugby schools in the country.
  • Foreign students who require additional language support can attend classes in English as a foreign language.


The impressive sports complex maintains the reputation of Monmouth School as an educational institution that takes sport seriously. At the disposal of school students: a swimming pool with six paths, a large field with artificial grass, tennis courts, playgrounds for various sports. A new ultramodern sports pavilion has been built at the school, for the creation and equipment of which £ 2.3 million has been spent.

The music school’s excellent facilities include ten studios, three classrooms, a concert hall with a piano, two organs and orchestral percussion instruments, and recording equipment. Classrooms feature instruments reflecting musical traditions from around the world.

The school library contains 150,000 books, both textbooks and fiction, and is constantly updated with new copies. The library also has a huge selection of newspapers, magazines and DVDs with films, 12 computers for independent work and WI-FI for those who come with their laptop.


Training is conducted in accordance with the National Curriculum of the United Kingdom, but is not limited to it. In the lower grades, students are introduced to a large number of academic disciplines and, switching to the GCSE program, children usually choose 9-10 subjects for study. The A-level program provides a choice of more than 30 disciplines; at the same time, you can attend various additional courses along with the main subjects.


The program for obtaining a certificate of secondary education. Key subjects are English, English literature, mathematics, sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and modern foreign language. In addition to these subjects, 3 or 4 subjects of optional subjects are studied.

A level

In high school, many classes are held in conjunction with students at Monmouth School for Girls.

A-level is a two-year university-oriented program. After consultations on choosing a future university and identifying priorities in training, students choose 4 subjects in the first year of study and 3 subjects in the second for in-depth study.

Foundation year

The program for foreign students allows you to complete the GCSE course in 1 year, and then begin training under the A-level or IB programs. The training is intensive and takes place in very small groups. Pupils are fully integrated into school life. This is the perfect preparation for high school.


Boys live in a residence in accordance with age. High school students aged 17-18 live in separate rooms with amenities and Internet access in the new Buchanan House residence, opened in 2011.

Meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner - are organized in the dining room, but children can also have a meal between the main meals using the kitchen, which is in each residence.


Traditionally, sports have a leading place in the life of the school. Many boys compete at regional and national levels, especially in sports such as rugby, rowing and cricket. There is also the opportunity to do athletics, tennis, badminton, fitness, rock climbing, fencing, hockey, golf, sailing, squash, shooting, swimming, water polo, scuba diving.


Music plays a crucial role in the development of boys. More than half of the students take lessons in playing musical instruments (about 420 individual lessons are held at the school every week), many make music at an advanced level. A brass band and one of the school's ensembles are finalists of the national youth competition. The school has preserved the tradition of choral singing: church and classical. Every year there are concerts of instrumental music and the choir.

Theatrical art plays an important role in the life of the school. Boys play on stage, many performances are staged together with the Monmouth School for Girls. Playing on stage helps to remove complexes and fears, gain self-confidence, and learn to speak to an audience.

The school offers a diverse program of extra-curricular activities, participation in which helps the boys to reveal their talents, gain confidence and make friends with like-minded people. The school has many communities and interest clubs: astronomy, science, football, fishing, hiking, chess, karate, literature, swimming, debates, and others. One of the main areas of extracurricular activities is creativity: painting, drama, modelling, ceramics, photography, as well as visiting exhibitions and galleries. The development of creative skills and inspiration is facilitated by master classes by artists and the exceptional natural beauty of the area in which the school is located.

COST, 2023-2024

£12,847 - £13,948 per semester (depending on age).
There are 3 semesters in the school year.

Included in cost

  • Teaching
  • Accommodation and meals

Extra paid

  • Registration fee - £250
  • Deposit - the cost of 1 semester
  • Flights
  • Transfers to / from the airport
  • Visa
  • Services of the company "Paradise"
  • Guardianship (as required by British law)


  • Selection of 5-6 schools that best meet the individual characteristics of the child, further goals, talents, with the desired environment. Help in the correct interpretation of school ratings, an explanation of why the school occupies one place or another. Help in obtaining reliable information about schools that are not included in the ratings, with an explanation of the reasons for non-participation in it.
  • Admission to 1-3 schools, selected from the proposed. Which includes the preparation of the necessary documents, school reports, characteristics, recommendations. Selection and submission of tests to prepare the student for exam testing, assistance in preparing essays. Preparation for an interview with the teacher / principal, registration for the exam. The necessary list of recommendations when attending school for passing entrance examinations. Correspondence with the school (far from all schools enter into correspondence with foreign parents, they are cautious about them, trust only to a trusted agent).
  • Assistance in paying registration fees, deposits, bills. Clarification of school rules, including disciplinary and legal aspects.
  • Filling out the required medical forms.
  • Selection of guardians required by UK law.

Student supervision during the first month of training is provided as a gift: assistance in resolving issues related to resettlement, billing, informing parents about the child’s health status, assistance with understanding of academic programs, organization of ext. classes for the child in a particular subject, help in choosing the program most suitable for the child, transfer to another class, etc.

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Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Dear Paradise Education company, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation! For parents who want to lead their child to success along the shortest path - this is the place for you!
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Review of studying at King William's college, Ekaterina Rabinovich
Client of Paradise Education company, Barnaul, Russia,
Well, 3 years at King William’s college are over! A huge parental thank you to all of you for your invaluable support and daily confidence that our family is on the right path and the child is in good hands.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Kharitonova
Malvern college
Regular client of Paradise, Marbella, Spain
We have known the Paradise company since 2006. We had no doubts about the professionalism and individual approach of the company to each client. When the time came to choose a school for our youngest daughter, without hesitation, we turned to them.
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Review of the company Paradise, Anna Shchilova
Co-owner of the Shtager&shch gallery, London,
My main school wizards are Natalia Shtrein and her company Paradise and Olena Piven - the coolest specialist in day schools. Thanks to these wonderful girls, my children are studying in the most suitable school for them.
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Repton school
Paradise Client, San Francisco, USA
A big advantage of the Paradise company is not only a careful approach to choosing a school, but also working with parents who also need preparation for such a serious step not only in the child’s life.
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Review of studying at New Hall School, Asel Nurapina
New Hall School
Paradise client, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
We contacted Paradise based on a recommendation, and we were not disappointed. We knew nothing about UK schools, and we couldn’t do without their help. Paradise's support at all stages is priceless!
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Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

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