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Ceran Junior Belgium (intensive course)

9—17 years old

Age: 9-17 years old.

Dates: June 23 – August 24, 2024.

The CERAN school operates year-round for seriously minded children and adults, offering intensive and very intensive foreign language courses. This is Harvard in the world of language schools, an unsurpassed quality of instruction.

Ceran School invites those who have outgrown regular group trips and want to make a big leap forward. In addition to the proposed course, it is strongly recommended to order additional foreign language lessons!

Together with the children, parents who want to learn a foreign language very quickly can go to Belgium. They will live 40 km. apart, enjoying meetings on weekends and not interfering with each other. A full immersion course at an adult school will be organized for them.

The training is conducted intensively, English, French or Dutch language to choose from. You can learn 1 language, but you can learn 2 languages. All teachers are native speakers with many years of experience teaching their language as a foreign language. All have received special training from Ceran. The school has a quota of 15% for speakers of the same language, so there is a complete immersion. Children communicate in foreign languages ​​with children from Spain, Turkey, Germany, France, England and other countries.


  • School for intensive and very intensive learning.
  • Lessons are held in small international groups, in which children are distributed by level of language proficiency. The maximum number of people in a class is 9, and usually 6 (for comparison: in most language schools in the world in a class - 15-16 people).
  • Clean air, complete safety in the nature zone.
  • The weekend is fully occupied with outdoor activities.
  • Language programs + golf, horse riding, tennis for those who wish.
  • Travel to Germany and Holland.
  • Visiting the ancient cities of Belgium.
  • Communication in Russian is practically excluded - employees are not allowed to communicate in their native language and carefully monitor this!


  • Separate zones for immersion in a foreign language (each consists of several classrooms) and a relaxation room
  • Canteens
  • Multimedia zone
  • Indoor heated pool
  • Football field
  • 2 courts for beach volleyball
  • 3 badminton courts
  • 2 mini-courts, for playing tennis
  • 1 room for playing table tennis
  • 1 field for pẻtanque (ball games)
  • Free access to the Internet. Computers can be used in the hours allotted for this purpose.


Classes at the school are organized by a unique method, the curriculum is designed in such a way that each student can be given individual attention. The program is based on an effective dialogue between teacher and child, which is much more important than dry grammar classes. Considering the topic of classes at each lesson, certain key phrases and speech turns are fixed, for this, adolescents are involved in situational games, discussions, and carry out creative projects. All classes use the phonetic correction method developed by Mons-Hainaut University in Belgium, which significantly improves pronunciation. Students must complete homework every day. Each curriculum has its own curriculum. For an additional fee, individual lessons of the selected language are possible. In the learning process, teachers carefully monitor progress and, at the end of the curriculum, compile and issue a progress report to each student.

Intensive English / German / French

  • 28 lessons (45 minutes each) in small groups (21 hours in total)
  • 19 lessons (60 minutes each)
  • Half-day excursion, or campus activity on Wednesday evenings

Language + Golf

Dates: July 14–20, August 4–10, 2024.

  • Any level of golf
  • Group maximum 12 players
  • 28 lessons (45 minutes each) in small groups (21 hours in total)
  • 8 golf lessons (60 minutes each) with a professional instructor
  • 9 classes (60 minutes each) activities
  • Half-day excursion or campus activities on Wednesday evenings
  • Equipment: Optional, CERAN golf set (1 glove + 6 golf balls), we can also provide half set.
  • Appropriate clothing is expected

Language + Horseback Riding

Dates: June 30 – July 13, 2024.

  • Any level of riding
  • Group of maximum 8 riders
  • 28 lessons (45 minutes each) in small groups (21 hours in total)
  • 8 horse riding lessons (60 minutes each) with a professional instructor
  • 9 classes (60 minutes each) activities
  • Half-day excursion or campus activities on Wednesday evenings
  • Equipment: We can provide riding hats
  • Additional insurance must be purchased by participants prior to the start of the course
  • Appropriate clothing is expected

Language + Tennis

Dates: June 23 – July 29, July 2 – August 3, 2024.

  • Any level of tennis
  • Group of maximum 6 players
  • 28 lessons (45 minutes each) in small groups (21 hours in total)
  • 8 tennis lessons (60 minutes each) with a professional instructor
  • 9 classes (60 minutes each) activities
  • Half-day excursion or campus activities on Wednesday evenings
  • Equipment: We can provide riding hats
  • Additional insurance must be purchased by participants prior to the start of the course
  • Appropriate clothing is expected


Accommodation in a single, double and triple room. The school has 179 rooms with a sink.

The school offers a well-balanced and varied cuisine, which is adapted for younger students, takes into account the characteristics of different cultures and takes into account a diet based on medical and philosophical facts. During the excursions, lunch is served in the package. For breakfast, a buffet is served: toast, breakfast cereals, cheese, ham, chocolate paste, croissants, and sometimes hot dishes such as bacon, omelette.


In addition to the lessons, we offer you a variety of organized sports and leisure activities:

  • Sports module: beach volleyball, soccer, baseball, athletics, water polo and others.
  • Art module: sculpture, paint, photography, pencil drawing.
  • Wellness module: yoga, aqua fitness, walks and others.
  • Combined module: a combination of 2 or 3 modules above.

Events aimed at opening. Depending on the selected sports module and leisure module:

  • Sports discoveries: fencing, martial arts, synchronized swimming and others.
  • Discoveries in the field of art: theatre improvisation, comics, short films.
  • Discoveries in the field of healing: tai chi, relaxation, interpretive dance, and others.


On Wednesdays, after lunch, sporting events (such as Olympics or adventure trails), cultural recreational activities (such as visiting a museum or exhibition), or recreational activities (such as entertaining on the beach, orienteering or bowling) are held on or off the school grounds. her.


Ramioule - prehistoric Place, Forest, Spa Thermal Baths, Brussels, Derby, Paris, Liege (a city with a 1000-year history), Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges (Holland), Cologne, Maastrich, amusement parks, etc.

Cost, 2024

The cost of 1 week is €1,750.
+ 2 individual lessons per week - €1,900.
+ 4 individual lessons per week - €2,050.

Language + Golf/Horse Riding/Tennis - €2,125 per week.

Extra paid

  • Visa
  • Transfer from / to the airport
  • Flight
  • Services of our company


Week 1

This week was the first in the Ceran school, very fruitful and extremely positive. All the children in the school are divided into 3 groups: children from 9 to 12 years old, teenagers from 12 to 15 years old and the oldest group from 15 years old. Based on this division, programs vary.

The guys’ day is very eventful: lessons with short breaks for snacks with drinks and sweets until 3 p.m., then interest groups begin: swimming, water polo, rugby, bouncers, football, beach volleyball, hockey, table tennis, games in the forest, dancing, Zumba, needlework - the guys make decorations, drawing, fitness, yoga.

Children choose their mugs on Sundays, then the school itself makes a mix of the activities chosen by the children. In the evening from 9 to 9:30 preparation for the Friday event, this week the guys made films in groups with their own invented plot. After that - half an hour for communication and board games in the games room.

Wednesday - afternoon, Saturday and Sunday - full-day excursions according to the school program. This week on Wednesday, we visited Liege with an exhibition about the First World War - very informative for the guys. Archives, chronicles, costumes, photos on this topic are presented.

On Saturday, we went to the wonderful city of Bruges - one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, the guys called it "gingerbread" houses, because most of the houses are both from films and from paintings of famous paintings.

On Sunday, we were in Brussels, the capital of Belgium: a walking tour of the historic centre, then a water park. Those who wish did not go to the water park, but walked in the park "Europe in miniature."

Health: everything is wonderful, none of the guys are sick, although the weather is very changeable, rainy and humid.

Meals: three meals a day, fruits (oranges, apples, bananas, nectarines, peaches, plums) and water in coolers are freely available, between classes snack for those who wish. In the corridor there are 3 machines with sweets.

Approximate diet:

Breakfast: cereal, granola, orange juice, tea, milk, fruit, ham, toast, jams, chocolate paste, butter, cheese, pastries, vegetables. Lunch: ready-made salad or vegetables with sauces to choose from, usually two types of hot: fish, beef, chicken with a side dish, pizza, pasta with sauce + dessert. Dinner: ready-made salad or salad bar, casserole, pizza, meat with garnish + dessert (mousse, pie, fruit salad). According to the guys, I like everything. Yes, and I can assure you that everyone eats well.

Atmosphere: the guys talk a lot, are very sociable, found friends from Germany, France. It is forbidden to speak the native language at school: it is difficult, but the guys try. For lunch and dinner, all students are distributed so that there are at least 2 teachers at the table who have a relaxed conversation and during meals. Everyone in the school is very friendly, the political situation does not affect students. All feuds and conflicts remain outside our camp :)

The children are required to strictly observe the rules of conduct, discipline, attend classes and circles. At each stage - a check on the list. We cope :)

Week 2

Another week at school passed, the children remembered it for unusual funny excursions, as well as parting with friends (they managed to cry and exchange contacts for communication, take memorable photos), because some of the guys with whom they made friends left home on the weekend.

Training: I talked with all the teachers, everyone praises our guys, they say that they are very diligent and zealous.

The excursions this week were very interesting and somewhere "breath-taking", which greatly pleased the group:

On Wednesday we visited a park on trees, a rope park with a forest zoo Forestia. The children were given detailed instructions on how to use carbines and behave on shells, put on helmets and special equipment and offered several interesting and exciting obstacles-rides. To get through them, you need to be very attentive, athletic and collected. You will be surprised, but the guys chose the most difficult tracks and coped with all the obstacles with a bang! We were very pleased, were happy with the adventures.

On Saturday, we travelled to the French part of Belgium - the city of Namur - an old European city with architectural monuments of the 17th century. In the first part of the tour, the guys were offered a quest: with the help of a city map it was necessary to find the main attractions and answer the quiz questions, and in the second part we had a one-hour river cruise and shopping in the city centre - no one was left without purchases!

On Sunday, we were greeted by the famous amusement park Valibi! The school paid the children an unlimited subscription for all the amusements of the park, 5 hours of unbridled fun were provided. The guys conquered all the attractions of the park!

Thus, we had a very fruitful and exciting time this week :)

Week 3

The third week was very eventful.

The guys again changed their study groups and teachers, which, of course, contributes to a better assimilation of knowledge, get used to different pronunciation, communicate with other students (a “mix” of groups is required).

All week there was active preparation for the Mini Olympic Games, where the guys had to show themselves in various sports, having determined in advance who would represent the team in one discipline or another.

On Wednesday, we were offered a unique tour: a visit to the Grottes - an excursion to the Belgian dungeon! We saw the caves from two tiers: first we went along the upper tier, seeing iridescent stalactites, and then we rode along the underground river in a boat. In complete darkness, we had to drive a path in the cave passages - very exciting and unusual!

On Friday after the Olympic Games and the issuance of certificates, an incendiary disco was organized with the participation of a DJ from Belgium for all departments of the school (English, German, French, Danish departments), the guys knew no bounds: dancing, farewell words with new friends, informal communication with teachers and animators. And at 6 in the morning we had already organized a packaged breakfast and transfer to the airport.

I was very lucky with the group, excellent, friendly, convivial, reliable, understanding guys!

The report of the head of the group Natalia Shuvaeva 2013

Natalya Shuvaeva

EDUCATION: Ceran has a very intensive course - the duration of each lesson is 1.5 hours. The first is reading (reading articles, working on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation), the second is aimed at developing listening skills (listening), the third is developing writing skills, the fourth (after lunch) is playing - developing speaking skills. Classes are taught by native speakers from the UK - in the English department, and from France and Belgium in French. Teachers are very lively, and children enjoy classes. In the classroom, they draw, watch videos, listen and sing songs. Everything is aimed at the school so that the children speak the language they are learning both among themselves in the lesson and in their free time, the schedule (including excursions) in the English, French and Dutch departments is completely different so that the children do not intersect. Two teachers sit at the dinner table, who make sure that they speak the language at the table, and talk with the children themselves, they also forbade me to speak Russian, they are also housed in children of different nationalities if the rooms are two local ( which cannot be said about other schools where I was)). It is better to book in advance for additional individual lessons.

ACTIVITIS: the whole day is busy in children, only 15 minutes for breaks between activities. Even at bedtime at 9 p.m. they have a lesson in preparation for the big event on Fridays, on the first Friday they were preparing for the mini Olympiad - they developed symbols, studied special vocabulary, and on Friday there was an Olympiad. After the lessons, they selected the first activity for a week: the children selected from the list in order of priority (which is more and what less is preferred - if there were no places on the first in the activity priority list, the child was recorded on the next in the list). The second and third activity could be changed every day. There was a choice of golf (for an additional fee), badminton, beach volleyball, basketball, football, swimming, water polo, tennis, yoga, fitness, aerobics, hockey, baseball, walks in the woods, film production, creativity, scrapbooking, construction bottle boats, a theatre studio, horseback riding (must be booked in advance).

There is a swimming pool, a large gym, football, basketball, volleyball (with white sand) courts, a lot of raspberries and blackberries grow in the forest.

EXCURSIONS: Holland - the city of Maastricht. A very beautiful city - houses like in a fairy tale, bicycles. We were divided into groups, each allocated a local guide.

Brussels - there was enough free time there - they managed to go around the children's shops, try Belgian waffles and buy Belgian chocolate. Some went to the Mini Europa Park - all the famous buildings of the European Union countries are presented in miniature, and some went on an excursion to the museum, the symbol of Brussels - Atomium, which is an enlarged atom of iron.

We went to a huge zoo for the whole day - a huge number of animals, exhibitions, a shop, a lot of cafes, children's attractions.

Liege for half a day is one of the oldest cities. He is over 1000 years old! Walking around the city with a guide and shopping.

Cologne (Germany) - all day. We visited a chocolate factory, watched how they produce chocolate, learned the history of the development of chocolate companies, bought delicious German chocolate. We walked around the huge, famous Cologne Cathedral. We went shopping. We went to McDonald's.

NUTRITION: the food is good, varied, take into account special wishes (vegetarians, allergy sufferers), in the morning a buffet (ham, cheese, cereal, jams, chocolate paste, honey, vegetables, sometimes croissants, scrambled eggs), at lunch - 2 hot dishes to choose from, salad, vegetables, fruits, desserts, for dinner - soup, hot dishes to choose from, salad, vegetables, sauces, dessert); there are also 3 snacks between classes (tea, coffee, juices, milk, cookies, fruits).

TERMS OF ACCOMMODATION: A very large building (a former monastery), it took us a week to more or less navigate in these corridors)) In each room (including single rooms) there is a sink; shower and toilet are shared. Everywhere is very clean, rooms are cleaned every day, everything is disinfected.

SAFETY: everything is focused on safety: Fire alarms at school every Sunday night. Here, the children didn’t hand over the money to me - they have their own “banking” system — they give out cards to the children and they put all their money on them, and then they withdraw it when necessary (before excursions) —very convenient. They constantly monitor that children are in sight and not left to their own devices. In the evening, before going to bed, they check that everyone is in their room and in each corridor, there is a night guard who sits in the corridor all night, and the main guard checks these guards)).

And, most importantly, they’re not allowed to speak any language other than English if you study in the English department! Even with the team leader. And if you came here without a group, like most children (we were the only group), then the probability of speaking Russian is reduced to almost zero.


  • We operate since 1996
  • Choose camps with a minimum number of Russian speakers
  • We place children only in camps which provides good accommodation
  • Conducted a personal inspection of almost all the schools that we offer
  • We do not work with the mass segment, only camps for discerning customers
  • You can call us 24/7
  • We inform you about the particularities of each course
  • What customers appreciate us for
Review of working with the Paradise company, Elena Pinchuk
Client of Paradise Education company, Moscow, Russia
Dear Paradise Education company, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation! For parents who want to lead their child to success along the shortest path - this is the place for you!
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Review of studying at King William's college, Ekaterina Rabinovich
Client of Paradise Education company, Barnaul, Russia,
Well, 3 years at King William’s college are over! A huge parental thank you to all of you for your invaluable support and daily confidence that our family is on the right path and the child is in good hands.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Kharitonova
Malvern college
Regular client of Paradise, Marbella, Spain
We have known the Paradise company since 2006. We had no doubts about the professionalism and individual approach of the company to each client. When the time came to choose a school for our youngest daughter, without hesitation, we turned to them.
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Review of the company Paradise, Anna Shchilova
Co-owner of the Shtager&shch gallery, London,
My main school wizards are Natalia Shtrein and her company Paradise and Olena Piven - the coolest specialist in day schools. Thanks to these wonderful girls, my children are studying in the most suitable school for them.
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Review of working with Paradise, Olga Menski
Repton school
Paradise Client, San Francisco, USA
A big advantage of the Paradise company is not only a careful approach to choosing a school, but also working with parents who also need preparation for such a serious step not only in the child’s life.
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Review of studying at New Hall School, Asel Nurapina
New Hall School
Paradise client, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
We contacted Paradise based on a recommendation, and we were not disappointed. We knew nothing about UK schools, and we couldn’t do without their help. Paradise's support at all stages is priceless!
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About "Paradise"

Наш коллектив

Expert assistance in selecting the right schools for your child in the UK, Switzerland, which have been our main specialization since 1996.

We also help you enter schools where teaching is conducted in English: in the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Austria, Thailand, Canada, and France.

Full support in the admission procedure: preparation for an interview, visits to selected schools accompanied by a Paradise employee.

Assistance in applying to universities in the UK, Switzerland, Canada: writing motivation letters, creating a package of documents, creating the right case for applying for a visa (to avoid rejection).

Professional assistance in selecting a program

Leave your phone number, we will call you back soon, answer all your questions and offer an individual program that is suitable for you and your child.